Our Strengths

Working with a variety of large, medium-sized and smaller-sized companies in numerous sectors has given us hands-on experience in addressing a variety of asset management issues and developing solutions. We use this experience to address our clients’ issues with ideas and knowledge that have been put to the test and proven to work. This helps our clients avoid common pitfalls and provides confidence in our approach.

Having performed numerous assessments, Clearpass professionals can quickly identify and engage all stakeholders and establish each client’s asset management needs. We focus primarily on three pillars: asset tracking, work management and supply chain management, while leveraging finance strategy and information integration. The end result is integrated, seamless communication of business information.

Being software-independent is one of our most important strengths. It means we are open to any contribution that information technology might make to your asset management issue – but we are not aligned to any one application or package. Nor does software have to play the same role from case to case. Each client has unique needs, and will get a unique solution.

We have experience with a variety of solutions and we can objectively guide our clients through the solution-selection process. This ensures that they select the correct solution. Clearpass also has the knowledge, experience and objectivity to assist the client in the negotiations with potential vendors.